The National Trends and Services facet is tasked with eliminating disparities by reducing barriers to resources through advocacy, education, and service. Links chapters are empowered to raise their voices and transform the communities in which they work. Farmington Valley (CT) Chapter has responded to this imperative task with several strategic and impactful projects to address socio economic issues which plague our communities.
Unhoused / Homelessness
Projects include a partnership with Hartford’s McKinney Men’s Homeless Shelter, providing items of basic needs .
Voter registration
In achieving our goal to reduce barriers to resources, the National Trends and Services facet is tasked with organizing multiple voter registration drives, encouraging members of our community to actively participate in the selection of elected officials locally , state-wide, and nationally.
Women supporting women
Additionally, we maintain a partnership with My Sister’s Place, an organization that provides transitional and supportive housing, housing coordination, and rapid re-housing services for women, children, and men throughout the Greater Hartford community, serving over 6,000 individuals and families annually. The current strategic goal is to engage in a mentorship program that will enable women to succeed in all aspects of their lives.